Theme: Exploring new scientific knowledge in the field of Health and Fitness



ME Conferences is glad to invite you to participate in the Nutrition Health Meet 2022 on December 05-06, 2022 Rome, Italy. This Nutrition Health Meet 2022 will focus on the theme "Exploring new scientific knowledge in the field of Health and Fitness," which will result in a global programme to discuss current and future challenges in areas such as Breast Cancer, Reproductive Health, Family Planning, Fatigue, and Dementia, among others.

Nutrition Health Meet 2022 has been planned in an associative manner with a gathering of tracks to choose from in each section and it searches innovative technologies with regard to Gynecology & Obstetrics and Chronic diseases on a broad scale and aims to achieve the targeted scientific conference and recent developments in the field of pregnancy nutrition. The goal of this conference is to create an amazing programme for leading professionals to exchange ideas and reliable perspectives on the complete research linked to Health and Fitness and beyond in order to meet the most significant challenges in healthcare - and find new opportunities.

Experts, officials, authorities, and CROs from all around the world will debate at Nutrition Health Meet 2022. It's time to take advantage of the chance to participate in Nutrition Health Meet 2022 as a Delegate, Speaker, Poster, Video Proposal, Business Meetings, Networking, and other perks for our Event Sponsor. This webinar will cover the most recent approaches, improvements, exchanging new ideas, and research updates in Depression & Anxiety in Women.

Representatives from all educational establishments, clinical examination authorities, and suggestive organisations are invited to participate in the webinar and discuss their research findings, as well as a demonstration of the new Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) procedures. It bridges the gap between individuals and businesses, allowing them to create even more astounding inventions.

Target Audience:

  • Nutritionists
  • Women’s Cardiologists
  • Psychologists
  • Upcoming Researcher
  • Gynecologists
  • Health Care Professionals
  • IVF Associations and Societies
  • Health care systems
  • Family Physicians
  • Infertility specialists
  • Pharmacists
  • Health Care Professionals
  • Directors of Women’s Nutrition Health
  • Fitness related associations
  • Obstetricians
  • Gastroenterologists
  • Anesthesiologists
  • Urogynaecologist

TRACK 1:  Nutrition & Health in Women, Children & Adolescent Girls

Nutrition is essential for growth, development, health, and happiness. Eating a nutritious diet can help you avoid illness and death in the future. Leading causes of death among women include coronary heart disease, some types of cancer, stroke, and type 2 diabetes mellitus, all of which are linked to dietary variables. Protein, carbohydrate, and fat in variable proportions, as well as electrolytes, are all essential nutrients. Specific body conditions, such as pregnancy and lactation, our diet, and any existing disorders all alter the essential components of nutrition in females (eg. breast cancer or weakened bones known as osteoporosis). Women are at risk from malnutrition in a variety of ways. It reduces a woman's ability to survive childbirth, makes her more susceptible to infections, and depletes her reserves for recovery. Malnourished HIV-positive moms are more likely to spread the virus to their infants and to progress from HIV to full-blown AIDS more quickly. Women's productivity, ability to create revenue, and ability to care for their family are all harmed by malnutrition.

  • Physical fitness
  • Mental health
  • Getting active
  • Healthy eating

TRACK 2:  Global Women Health Status

In resource-poor environments, the burden of disease and public health issues affecting girls and women throughout their lifetimes is significantly higher. Maternal mortality, obstetric fistulas, female genital cutting, HIV/AIDS, malaria in pregnancy, and cervical cancer are all common among these women and girls. Although some countries have met the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the majority of them will not be met by 2015. Furthermore, non-communicable and chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, cardiovascular diseases, stroke, obesity, and chronic respiratory diseases receive insufficient care. To enhance women's long-term health outcomes, a life-course approach is required, which includes breakthroughs in earlier-life aspects such as food and exercise.

  • Female genital cutting
  • Maternal mortality

TRACK 3: Prenatal and Childhood Nutrition

The dietary recommendations before and throughout pregnancy are known as prenatal nutrition. Nutrition and weight control during and throughout pregnancy have a significant impact on baby development. Because infants rely largely on maternal reserves and nutrients for best growth and health outcomes later in life, this is a time for healthy development. Prenatal diet has a significant impact on the infant's birth weight and development. Prenatal care, also known as antenatal care, is a sort of preventative healthcare that is provided to women while they are pregnant. Schedule a prenatal visit as soon as you suspect you're expecting. To help children develop and grow normally, as well as to prevent obesity and future disease, childhood nutrition entails ensuring that they eat healthful meals. Following recommendations based on food guidelines that are appropriate for a child's age and development level and that have been produced and approved by government, research, and medical professionals is the best way to ensure proper childhood nutrition.

  • Barker's hypothesis
  • Pedersen's hypothesis
  • Toddlers & preschoolers
  • Prenatal exposure
  • Malnourished child

TRACK 4: Pregnancy Nutrition

Good diet is critical for your baby's growth and development during pregnancy. It is critical to have a healthy and balanced diet when pregnant in order to offer all the developing baby requires. Because a pregnant woman's body absorbs more nutrients from food than usual, consuming a variety of meals will guarantee that you and your baby obtain the proper vitamin and nutrient balance. Pregnancy necessitates the consumption of high-quality rather than high-quantity foods. They should eat extremely nutritious meals, such as dairy products, when pregnant. To satisfy the needs of the growing foetus, you should consume more protein and calcium during pregnancy.

  • Legumes
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Salmon
  • Broccoli and dark, leafy greens
  • Lean meat
  • Fish liver oil

TRACK 5: Malnutrition

Malnutrition is caused by a discrepancy between the body's nutritional requirements and the amount of nutrients consumed. Nutritional poverty prevents women from reaching their full potential. Poverty, lack of development, lack of awareness, and illiteracy are all linked to malnutrition among women. Malnourished girls account for 25.2 percent of malnourished boys in the current study (20.2 percent ). To improve women's food security and nutrition, a variety of development initiatives are required. Malnutrition is defined as a lack of nutrients in the body. Poverty, intestinal problems, or another disease are all possible causes. Fatigue, dizziness, and weight loss are common symptoms. Malnutrition that goes untreated can lead to physical and mental disabilities.

  • Body mass index
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Weight loss

TRACK 6: Impact of Nutritional Deficiency

Many different proteins, minerals, and vitamins are required by the body for both development and illness prevention. Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals that are commonly referred to as such. Because they aren't produced naturally in the body, you must obtain them through your food. When the body doesn't absorb or get enough of a nutrient from diet, it's called a nutritional deficit. Deficiencies can cause a variety of health problems. Defective bone growth, skin ailments, gastrointestinal issues, and even dementia are examples of these. Your age determines how much of each vitamin you should consume.

  • Defective bone growth
  • Skin disorders
  • Digestion problems
  • Dementia

TRACK 7: Importance of Women’s Health

Women's health is a medical field dedicated to the treatment and diagnosis of diseases and conditions affecting women's physical and mental well-being. Women and men usually face comparable health issues; the only difference is that women's health requires extra attention. There are biological processes in young women such as adolescence, pregnancy, delivery, and health hazards. Women's health is particularly important since they face distinct health-care issues and are more likely than males to be diagnosed with certain disorders. The major causes of death for women include diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and chronic disorders.

  • Chronic diseases
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes

TRACK 8: Depression & Anxiety in Women

Depression and anxiety can be caused by natural hormonal variations. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) affects many women, while premenstrual dysmorphic disorder (PMDD) has symptoms that are comparable but much more severe. Many moms experience "baby blues" melancholy after giving birth, while perinatal depression produces similar but more severe problems, emotional swings, sadness, and exhaustion. Perimenopause, or the transition into menopause, can be depressing. Care providers can provide relief with treatment or helpful drugs, regardless of how severe the adverse effects are.

  • Signs & symptoms
  • Diagnosis & treatment

TRACK 9: Reproductive Health

Physical, emotional, and social well-being are all part of reproductive health. Diseases, developmental disorders, reduced fertility, premature delivery, low weight birth, reduced fertility, impotency, and menstruation issues are all examples of factors that might impair fertility. Pollution exposure has been identified as a major cause of barrenness. Pressure, passionate unequal characteristics, and heftiness are some of the factors that contribute to poor reproductive health. Women are disproportionately affected by poor treatment due to female genital mutilation, teenage births, sexually transmitted infections, inadequate sanitation, and multiple births.

  • Adolescent health
  • Maternal health
  • Cancers

TRACK 10: Diabetes

Diabetes is a condition in which the body does not metabolise food properly for energy production. The majority of the food we eat is converted to glucose, or sugar, which our bodies utilise for energy. The pancreas, an organ located below the stomach, produces the hormone insulin, which aids glucose absorption into our bodies' cells. Diabetes is caused by the pancreas not producing enough insulin or the body's cells not responding adequately to the insulin produced.

  • Frequent urination
  • Extreme hunger
  • Blurred vision

TRACK 11: Drug Management During Pregnancy

Pregnant women should avoid taking drugs and medications. Before starting or quitting any medications while pregnant, women should consult their doctor or healthcare executives. Tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, and other illicit drugs may be beneficial to the unborn child, but they can also cause serious health problems and birth deformities. Taking even small amounts of alcohol, tobacco, or marijuana while pregnant has not been proven to be safe. If the mother has a seizure disease or diabetes, the risk of quitting a medicine may be more unpleasant than the hazards of taking the medication while pregnant in some situations.

  • Antiemetic
  • Hypnotics

TRACK 12: Reproductive Medicine

Reproductive medicine is a branch of medicine that deals with the reproductive systems of both men and women. It covers a wide range of reproductive situations, as well as their detection and evaluation, as well as therapy and prognosis. A discipline of medicine devoted solely to the preservation of fertility, the diagnosis and treatment of infertility, and other reproductive issues.

  • Diagnosing
  • Treating infertility

TRACK 13: Adolescent and Maternal Health

Maternal and Adolescent Chronic health problems are caused by health practises that are established as a young person and then carried on into adulthood. Young individuals have unique health issues and expansion requirements that are not shared by children or adults. The main causes of teenage illness are psychological rather than biological. Young people frequently engage in health-risk activities, such as drugs and alcohol, sexual conduct, and other risk factors that damage their physical and mental health, that revert the processes of teenage development, observation, and discovery.

  • Early pregnancy and childbirth
  • Alcohol and other drugs

TRACK 14: Artificial Insemination

Artificial insemination (AI) is the injection of sperm into a female's cervix or uterine cavity with the goal of achieving a pregnancy through in vitro fertilisation using methods other than sexual interaction. It's a human fertility treatment that's also common in animal breeding, such as dairy cattle and pigs. Artificial insemination may entail the use of assisted reproductive technology, sperm donation, and animal husbandry techniques. Intracervical insemination and intrauterine insemination are two artificial insemination procedures available.

  • Infection
  • Multiple pregnancy
  • Spotting

TRACK 15: In-Vitro Fertilization

In Vitro Fertilization, or IVF, is a type of assisted reproductive technology. IVF is a method of implantation in which eggs are extracted, a sperm sample is recovered, and an egg and sperm sample are automatically combined on a laboratory dish. The embryo has been repositioned in the uterus. IVF stands for in vitro fertilisation, which is a sort of assisted reproductive technology used for infertility treatment and gestational surrogacy. The fertilised egg can be implanted into the uterus of a surrogate, but the kid is genetically unrelated to the surrogate.

  • Medication
  • Harvest the eggs
  • Fertilization
  • Embryo culture
  • Embryo transfer

TRACK 16: Reproduction Endocrinology and Infertility

Reproductive endocrinology and infertility is a subspecialty of obstetrics and gynaecology that teaches clinicians in reproductive medicine to evaluate hormone activity in relation to reproduction and infertility. While most reproductive endocrinologists focus on infertility treatment, they are also required to assess and treat hormonal dysfunctions in females and males who are not infertile.

  • Abnormal periods
  • Chronic pelvic pain
  • Cramping

TRACK 17: Midwifery

Midwifery is a wellness science and health profession that deals with pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period, as well as newborn care, as well as women's sexual and reproductive health throughout their lives. Midwifery is a medical profession in many countries, valued for its individualistic and direct specialised education. It should not be confused with medical specialties, which rely on prior general education.

  • Family life troubles
  • Lack of personal development

TRACK 18: Anesthesia Medicine

Anesthesia is a controlled, short-term loss of feeling or awareness used to perform medical procedures. Analgesia, paralysis, muscular relaxation, forgetfulness, and unconsciousness may all be present. Anesthesia allows for the painless presentation of medical procedures that would otherwise be technically impracticable or would cause significant or excruciating pain to an anaesthetized patient.

  • Dizziness
  • Nausea and vomiting


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To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date December 05-06, 2022
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